Blog #8

   For my last blog post I read Jocelyn Hern's post about marijuana. She talks about how there are more pros to cons when using marijuana. She uses Colorado as an example of how marijuana has helped decrease the crime rate by 2.5 percent, a decrease in homicides by more than 50 percent, and a handful of other things such as burglaries, automobile break-ins, and sexual assaults. She only lists two downfalls of legalizing marijuana which are the rate of arrests for public display and public consumption of marijuana.
   She focuses on the question of why we don't just legalize marijuana because it can help more people than it can hurt. Her last statement is about how there are still limitations on marijuana and how that causes challenges for people who use it for medical purposes. "Marijuana isn't just used for people to get high when one feels like it... people need to stop generalizing ...and realize that it can also help people who are in need to get out of severe pain." I agree that people should stop generalizing, but I think that we need to start slow and see what the results are. Just because it worked well in Colorado doesn't mean that it will go well in all states.   


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